Thursday, 22. December 2005

twoday 1.0.0 (beta)

As I have already announced last week at the helma-dev we will provide twoday (pretty much as it can currently be enjoyed here at under an Open-Source-license (BSD-style!), and plan to "establish an active user and developer community around the twoday-software". A first step into this direction is the release of twoday-1_0_0beta, the setup of the according, and the setup of the

We already made a similar announcement over a year ago, where we planned on releasing twoday under the GPL, which we actually never did. This time we are more aware of the consequences, and will should have time to maintain and support users, as well as developers.

This is a pretty big step for us. Twoday became a core business for us over the past two years, and we invest quite some effort into its ongoing development. Projects like,,,,.. should speak for themselves. Nevertheless i am fully convinced that this is the right step, and am very happy to work in an environment where my partners share the same opinion on Open-Source.

So, go ahead and start your blog community today! (urgh, saying this actually did hurt a bit :-)) No matter if its just for you, for your school/university, for your company, or whether you want to beat regarding free hosting for everyone.
Well, actually better wait till twoday 1.0.x is declared stable, which should be soon, after receiving some first feedback from this release.

Still under construction (as every wiki) but at least the start page looks fine to me.

What web2.0 is NOT about

  1. Privacy
  2. Anonymity
  3. Open-Source (?)
Google is good, too good actually. And its not just going to be Google becoming the bad guy, everybody will turn mean, as soon as more VC money hits the scene.

With the information currently available on the net, anybody can find out pretty damn much about me (and very very likely also about you, the reader). You will find out my company (ok thats easy), find out where i live and what i do. You are able to read all my stories and comments at, and all emails that i posted to various mailing lists, and all my bookmarks. Furthermore you will find plenty of images, and even some video footage. So, after digging through all these MegaBytes of data, you will get a pretty solid picture about my person. And my personality! You will know how i handle criticism, you will know that i turn cynical from time to time, you will know what my political view is, you will know how good my english is! You will know much more than i ever wanted to give away. But lately I realised that you will find out much more than i deliberately gave away. Simply by collecting even more information about my "social network". Well, just look at who is writing comments here (ignore the spam for the moment :-)), just look where i am writing comments at, just look who is linking me and vice versa. Even if these friends just use their nicknames, you will find more images and stories at their blogs, at their flickr accounts and at their delicious accounts regarding my person.

So, who cares? Its just me anyways. Who should be that interested to invest so much effort analyzing my person? Well, the point is, that its gonna be no effort at all at some (near) time in the future. So many companies investigate into information retrieval, that its rather sooner than later before a search engine specializes on "person(ality) retrieval". A search for my name will bring you all of the above information within the split of a second. My skills, my personality, my feelings, my thoughts, my health, my social status (PersonRank?), everything neatly summarized and categorized. A bit scary, wouldn't you say?

Well its getting even scarier, if one takes a look at Google's latest acquisitions:
  • Google bought Riya, an automated face recognition company! (Update: Actually this is just a rumour. Sorry for spreading it again.)
  • Google bought Urchin, a web-stats analysis tool
  • Google bought 10% of AOL, a well you know what they do.
The riya acquisition is scary for obvious reasons, but the other two acquisitions are not as apparent on the first sight. But Google is buying traffic information! Just take a look at Google Analytics, and you will know how smart they are already (our company ip-address resolves to, and i have no idea how they can assign this to our correct(!) company name). Pretty soon, Google will be able to link persons and ip-addresses, giving them infinite information about each one of us.

Ha, and we were afraid of some desktop music-players broadcasting some information to servers, or of the police performing dragnet investigation ("Rasterfahndung"). Peanuts. George Orwell has already arrived.

If you still haven't realised why all this information about my/your person should be that bad, read this story and then think again:
-> Blogger Blocked at U.S. Border

Sorry, to spoil all the cheers about web2.0, but i would really like to see some things cleared out first, before everybody starts undressing themselves on the net. But i guess it's already too late (at least for me) anyways.

Note 1: According item 3 in my list stated at the beginning i might write a follow-up story at some later time.

Note 2: You might consider this article a bit ironic considering that we are actually hosting thousands of blogs, and that we are also investigating in information retrieval. Nonetheless i am a web2.0-user the same way as you are, and in that respect i am very interested in raising awareness for these issues.

PageRank 10

StatCounter is according to this list one of 16 websites that score a PageRank of 10. Wow, thats something! Just make a free stats service, boost your PageRank of the according site, and then go ahead and sell advertising space.



About michi

michi Michi a.k.a. 'Michael Platzer' is one of the Knallgraus, a Vienna-based New Media Agency, that deals more and more with 'stuff' that is commonly termed as Social Software.

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