
Wednesday, 1. March 2006

video surveillance

i might consider unsubscribing the schneier-feed again. the stuff he posts is so scary, that it usually ruins my day.
-> Face Recognition Comes to Bars
-> BioBouncer

It doesn't matter at all whether the company BioBouncer has "good" intentions or not, it is just another step towards complete surveillance, which will be abused by someone at some (not so distant) point.

Schneier also posted about a story of "attackers" using existing code, that allows eavesdropping for the police, in the Vodafone's mobile phone software, in order to spy on politicians. Dont get me wrong, but i think this is actually a great way to make politicians aware of these problems. I would really like to see a video-surveillance-project, that streams the private houses of politicians (or at least their "public entrances") to the net, and exploit that information ("hey, schüssel junior was playing in the garden, although his mom said he was sick", "oho, gusenbauer smokes pot"). Maybe this is the only way, to actually make them clear, that we cant keep on sacrifizing privacy in the name of security. we need to stop the insanity now.

Tuesday, 14. February 2006

und nun zu etwas ganz was anderen...

-> Atomic Blast Photos

Friday, 23. December 2005

Sonderausgabe der WU Aktuell zum Brand


Ein paar Überschriften gefällig?

"Chronologie eines Brandes - Was wirklich in den letzten Tagen geschehen ist!"

"WU in Flammen" (mit zwei äußerst betroffen dreinblickenden Studenten als Hintergrund)
"Solidarität! Wir lassen uns nicht abfackeln!"
"Die WU sind wir"

"Sehr beeindruckend war die Solidarität unter den Studierenden"

"Das Ganze war wie ein kleiner Terroranschlag" (Zitat Rektor Badelt)

"Was hat die ÖH WU getan? ... Bereits in der Früh wurden Studierende mit ersten Infos, Kaffee, Tee, Brot und Gebäck versorgt..." (Es hat ja schließlich die ärmsten der armen getroffen, und gottseidank haben die Tee und Gebäck bekommen.)

Letztklassig, absolut letztklassig, kann ich da nur sagen. Na auf die neuen Kameras kann man sich jetzt schon mal freuen.



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michi Michi a.k.a. 'Michael Platzer' is one of the Knallgraus, a Vienna-based New Media Agency, that deals more and more with 'stuff' that is commonly termed as Social Software.

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